Boyfriend's dodge poses are based on 2D Sonic artwork.Fourth Wall Breaking:This game has the ability to read your computer.Hitting one will result in a splat sound and gum obscuring your screen for a bit. Gum Notes: Once Mitee shows up in Milk, gum notes will appear on your strumline.Tenma will scroll them from left to right across your screen, force you into downscroll (or upscroll if you are already using downscroll), force his own notes ahead of yours, and even move them in an infinity symbol towards the end of the song. FUN Modchart: Your notes almost never stay still in Endless.Distortion: In Cycles, whenever God Z shapeshifts into his next form, the screen briefly pixelates, covering your strumline.The notes will still continue to come, which builds up misses. Ice Notes: During "Too Slow", danger notes that will freeze you if hit, forcing you to mash the left and right buttons to free yourself.Once Mighty.ZIP transitions into his true form, both the timer and your HP will rewind, with the time now 1:47, and your HP reset. False Duration: During the first part of "Too Slow", the time state it lasts for 0:34.This is purely cosmetic and just to fit with the beat. When Pico hits these notes then he will do a reloading animation. Missing these will drain a lot of health. To avoid the gunshots, the player must hit black transparent notes that will get more obstructive and constant as the songs pass. A Funkin' Gun: During Week 3, Pico will fire his gun.